*Tsunami Disaster*
Tsunami disaster relief information...
I will try to keep the list updated. If you would like to help (money-food-water-blood) check out some of the links below...
If you have any links to add, please use comment section.
United Way
American Red Cross
Mercy Corps
The Hunger Site
Christian Science Monitor Charity List
FOXNews Charity List
MSNBC Charity List
USA TODAY Charity List
CNN Charity List
The New York Times Charity List
elmundo.es Charity List (Spain)
Udavum Karangal (Uk)
GOAL (Ireland)
Network for Good Charity List
Tsunami Victims.org Charity List (International)
The Tamils Rehabilitation Organization (India)
Food Relief.org
The Tamils Rehabilitation Organization
Red Cross (Australia)
Oxfam (Australia)
World Vision (Australia)
The Hindu.com Charity List (India)
Charity Wire (International)
Mennonite Central Committee (Canada)
Oxfam (Canada)
Red Cross (Canada)
Aktuelle Nachrichten (Germany)
Misereor (Germany)
HelpDirect.org (Germany)
**The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami Help Blog** Has lots of detailed information on missing people, phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
Free text messages to and from earthquake countries

India: +91 11 2309 3054
Thailand: +66 2643 5262 and 2643 5000
Sri Lanka (residents): +94 11 536 1938
Sri Lanka (tourists): +94 11 243 7061
Maldives: +44 20 7224 2149
Seychelles: +248 321 676
For Hong Kong residents: +852 2829 3010
New Delhi
Tel: +91-11-2301 1849 (Off)
Tel: 00-91-11-2338 2248 (Res)
Email: asad@mea.gov.in and prasad@mea.gov.in
24 Hours Control Room
Ministry of External Affairs
Tel.No. 00-91-11-2301 1954, 2301 2292, 2301 7160
Fax.No. 00-91-11-2301 3945, 2301 0889
Additional Helpline 91 11 2309 3054
Report missing children at Childline 1098
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Emergency Numbers
Secretariat, +91-3192-233110, +91-3192-234087, Deputy Commissioner's Office, +91-3192-231945, +91-3192-233089, Inspector General of Police, 100, +91-3192-232100, FAX: +91-3192-239693
Special Cell for those whose relatives are stranded in Andaman & Nicobar,
Kolkata 22116869, 22110041, Chennai 22560022, Delhi 25674270, 25672226
State Secretariat Disaster Management
Control Room
+91-471-2333198, +91-471-2518700
Rourkela 0661 2500239
Bhubaneshwar 0674 2400161, 1674 2322977
State Relief Commissioner 1070
Regional Relief Commissioner 1077
Tamil Nadu
Chennai Corporation Emergency numbers:
+91-44-2538 3783
+91-44-2538 4670
+91-44-2538 1330
Cuddalore District
Project Officer, District Rural Development Agency 9433 32309
District Revenue Officer 94433 85580
For Chidambaram and surrounding villages - 04144 253950 (Sub Collector)
For Killai and surrounding villages - 04144249228, 94439 88443
For Missing Persons - Contact Taluk Office 04142 295010/ 295015/ 98423 51000, 98423 45000
Nagapattinam District 04635 242 999, 04635 248 777
Doctors offering free medical treatment: Dr. G. S. Kailaash, Srinivas Poly Clinic and Lab, 203,
Kutcheri Road, Mylapore. Phone 52064051; Dr. K. R. Muthuswamy, Second Trust Main Road, Mandavelipakkam, Phone: 24951736; for free treatment of children: Dr. Chithra Kailaash (Phone 52064051); free medicare: M.K. Nursing Home, 25, R.S.M. Road, Old Washermenpet; Sugam Hospital, Tiruvottriyur; Venkateswara Hospital, 121 A, Chamiers Road, Nandanam, 52125212;
High Commissions, Consulates, Embassies in India
Sri Lankan Deputy High Commission
196, TTK Road, Alwarpet, Chennai-600 018
Fax: +91-44-24987894
Indian Diplomatic Links in other countries
Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
+603-2095 3369
+603-2092 5826
highcomm@po.jaring.my, fsch@po.jaring.my
Thailand - Bangkok
+662-2580300 thru 05
Maldives - Male
hoc.male@mea.gov.in, Itm.male@mea.gov.in
Indonesia - Jakarta
Sri Lanka - Colombo
Malaysia Country wide helpline - 44 20 7224 2149
Sri Lanka Country wide helpline 248 321 676
Thailand Emergency Disaster Unit at the Presidential Secretariat
0112435082, 0114733531, 0112437365, 0114733427
Country wide helpline for local residents - 94 11 5361938
Country wide helpline for tourists - 94 11 536 1938
Sri Lanka Army - Call for Humanitarian Assistance
Tel: 009412355180/ 2446777 Mobile: 0777 3082585 Fax: 009412541755
Sri Lanka missing persons information, please email: infolbc@lankabellnet.com (Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corp)
Special Coordinating Unit, President's Office
011 2435082, 011 4733531, 011 2437362, 011 4733427