*boiled hotdogs*
Welcome to *boiled hotdogs*. Within minutes of launching this blog I received my first comment from...
Goonieheart said...
well I dig your title and hope you write something soon about boiling hotdogs...Dying to know what that's all about *snicker*
Well Miss Goonie, I hope to entertain you and the masses with my rants and dumb jokes.
As far as the name *boiled hotdogs*, have you ever eaten anything worse? I mean think about it! My cousin's wife (who always invites me to dinner, bless her heart!) boils hotdogs until they turn white! It's her favorite recipe... Honest!
She serves them every time I except a dinner invitation. So my inspiration comes from her.
Hello, that did'nt take long. I'll be working on this through the night, so check back soon!
BBQ, Wahoo!
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